The home tour continues with the family room. It's actually a family room/eating area/kitchen, but we'll concentrate on the sitting room portion today. Of course it's not finished. We had a contractor build the shell of our home right to the drywall. Then the mister and I have painted, laid hardwood flooring, tiled the master bathroom floor and shower, installed the kitchen, did the finish electrical and plumbing, and we're in the process of installing interior doors and trim. And we're still married. Which is a big accomplishment, believe me. It's just a little stressful but we're muddling through.
This picture is of our unfinished fireplace. I want to face it with painted brick. When I tell most people that they look at me like I've lost my marbles. You can see it, can't you? And of course a mantle. Oh and bookcases on both sides with a place for the TV and all the electronics. The pictures on the hearth is a calendar that #2 daughter made me for Christmas. I'll show you what I did with them another time.
This is our bay window that looks out into the unlandscaped backyard. See the window needs trimming. We're hoping to do a lot of the trim work this winter when we can't work outside.
See the banner? It says SUMMER. In the next few days I'll make a new one that says AUTUMN. It's just scrapbook paper and letters I print off the computer and ribbon. I'll show you how later if you want.

A gate leg table I got at a yard sale that I painted white and use as a sofa table. It's great for extra seating at Thanksgiving. The lamp I got at the thrift store for $3.00. I need to foof up the shade.

The sofa, yes it's red and more toile cushions. Looking toward the eating area and kitchen.

We've always had a formal dining room, but not in this house. I didn't want any extra space to clean that I didn't need. Our antique hutch always sat in the dining room and was quite lonely. Now it sits in here with us. I really think it enjoys being with the family. See that funny blue door? We bought all the interior doors at a demolition sale. But that's another post too.
What a wonderful family room! I envy you having book cases on each side of the fireplace! I have always wanted that and every house we have had that had a fireplace, there was always windows or doorways on both sides of it!
Love your red couch with toile cushions :-)
I admire you and your husband. That's a lot of work, but it will actually be a "home" when you finish, and truly yours!
What a nice family room! I think the fireplace would be fabulous with bookshelves on both sides of it.
Happy day!
Hi I found your blog through another. I love your home and how you decorated it. Your garden is nice and I loved meeting your furry babies!
Oh the banner is great! Did you make it? Love the $3 lamp.
Hi Mimi Sue,
Came by for a visit. I LOVE your banner idea. I never thought of just printing huge letters from the computer. I have some really cute fonts. Thanks for the inspiration.
Also wanted to let you know that Sara's "Big Reveal" of her new french walls is posted now. It's the 2nd post down.
Regards, M.L. @ the house of whimsy
Thank you for the tour. Your family room looks so cozy!
Love your "Summer" pennant garland and your blue door--they have demolition sales? In Utah? I learn new things every day...
Oh-at Texas Roadhouse I got the ribs and sweet potato. It was my first trip. I feel like an idiot because I didn't realize they were so close to home. Shows how much we go out.
Sue when are you going to post pics of your gorgeous kitchen? I want to show EVERYONE! I am always telling people about your kitchen.
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