These cute decorations hanging in her pine tree from, who else, Martha Stewart.
Gourds and little pumpkins strung on the fence...
Her adorable front porch, check out the banner it's made of cute halloween fabric...
Mimi Sue's Cottage
A home is much more than a house built of lumber, brick, or stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. We are responsible for the homes we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrow. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven here on earth. Thomas S Monson
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Halloween Hoot
I have the most adorable neighbor. She has the cutest little cottage and the cutest little twin toddlers. They are almost 3 years old, a boy and a girl. They moved into their little cottage about 3 years ago and have done some amazing and darling things to it. She doesn't have a blog but you know it would be the cutest if she did. I'm going to ask her if I can take some pictures of the inside of her sweet little cottage and put them on my blog. In the meantime she had a Halloween party for her little kidlets and I took a few pictures. She called it the first annual Halloween Hoot...
She had face painting, bobbing for apples, a beanbag toss, cookie decorating, and card making.

She even made homemade root beer. I'm telling you, she's the cutest...
Cute Neighbors
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How neat to have a fun neighbor like that. How on earth did she make root beer?
Okay, I'm a dork and am freaking out with excitement--I'd LOVE to see the inside of her house. I've only been as far as the living room when I bought a window from her and wish I'd had mental camera to remember all the details of cuteness.
She seems like the awesomest mom to do all that fun stuff for her kids.
Since I'm kind of craft-clueless at figuring stuff out by myself--how do you think she made those fabric pennant garlands and got them to stay so nicely? I kept trying to drive slowly past her big "Happy Halloween" one in the pine tree to see how she'd done it.
How are people so organized and efficient? My problem must be the third child... ;)
Oh, please tell your neighbor thank you for letting you take pix to share with us. What a CUTE mom!!
Also, I loved the photos of your cruise you shared with us. Beautiful!! So glad you got to get away AND most of all that your computer got fixed. : )
Mary Lou
Wow! Her party needs to be submitted to a magazine! I can't wait to see inside her adorable cottage. What a talented lady. Thank you for sharing, Mimi Sue!
Oh my gosh! Can I move into your neighborhood?
Are you freakin kidding me? I'm telling you she is my idol (next to Martha). Did she do it for the neighborhood kids? How cute! Oh to be a stay at home mom. That would be so cool if she would let you take pics of her house. I've never seen it.
Cute~~ Love the front porch.
Yes, PLEASE let us be invited!! Nicole so wants to see all those houses, too, and I saw the inside of hardly any of them when I was in the ward because I didn't know anyone very well.
The only house I saw all of was when my husband was helping Penny and Hal Jensen move out, and I kick myself when I think I blew my opportunities to see more of Kiersten Johnsons's house at a shower once (only made it to the kitchen) and that the one time I had the chance, I didn't scope the upstairs in Sam Simpson's house. Yes, really kicking myself on that one.
Who is Tiffany's mother-in-law, or rather, where does she live? Must stalk someone else too. I'm gathering her mother is probably way cute, too. She told me that her mom reupolstered or made a darling slipcover (don't remember which) for some of her furniture in the front room, so I bet her own house is awesome too.
Wow...I know those kids had an absolute blast.
I am so in love with her house. I plan my driving routes just so I can go by her house and gawk at it. What a cute mom she is to plan something so fun for her kiddos, wow, what a ton of work. Thanks for the great pictures, that must have happened on a rare day that I didn't drive by her our your house! Hope that doesn't freak you out!
Hi Mimi Sue,
I got the see-thru shoe organizer from Target. $7.99 I think.
It's on the aisle with all their other closet organization things. Hope you find it. : )
Mary Lou
What a funneighbor you have! I am having a giveaway. Hope you'll stop by.
Hugs, Rhondi
Oh my, she is so adorable. I hope we can make it next year. She has the best ideas and the cutest stuff.
Oh, I want to live in your neighborhood!!!!!!! What a darling neighbor, house, yard and Halloween party EVER! It just reminds me of something od the past! She is one clever gal and blogland would love her as a blogger!!! encourage her to have one! Your pictures are great! Awesome camera! Have a wonderful Halloween in a sweet, quaint town of yours!
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