Summer 2010 Project is now called
The Summer 2010-2011 Project. We were hoping to get the backyard fences up, the sprinkler system in, and the lawn planted. I'm blaming the cold, wet spring, the heat of July and August, and the fact that Mimi and the Mister are not as young as we once were for our failure.
It wasn't a complete failure. We got 2 fences installed (one more to go) and I think they turned out pretty cute.

Nothing is complete, yet here I am decorating the gate! It's a sickness.

This is how it started...

The meticulous Mister and his precise placing of the pickets.

We had a little helper. He wasn't a union worker, thank goodness. He worked for pancakes.
So we'll have another winter of doggy muddy footprints tracked through the house. Hopefully we'll be able to finish this project next year!
Hi Mimi:
First off, what a cute helper you have. Glad he works cheap. lol.
The picket fence looks beautiful. Your mister is doing a great job and I love how you are decorating it already.
The big trees in the background look so nice.
We didn't get a thing done around our place. I think we are getting too old. lol
Oh Mimi Sue I love your picket fences!! I have always had a love for white picket fences. Last Fall we had a portion of our yard fenced in with a picket fence and I just love it. Your Mister is doing a great job. I watched the guys who installed our fence and boy it was way harder then I thought it would be. I was greatful that we decided not to do it ourselves :)
PS I love the way the gate has a sweet little basket already :) My gate has an old white bike basket to welcome our guests.
Love, love, love your picket fence! Your are doing a great job. It is hard to complete projects on your own, when facing weather, jobs, money...and yes
Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Even if it is next summer.
Mimi, your fence looks AMAZING!
Sorry you weren't able to get everthing done this summer. But just think come spring you'll be itch'n to be outside and you'll probably get it all done in record time!
Hey, I'll work for pancakes, too! Be so grateful that your husband is meticulous. My husband sometimes likes to measure with his drill bit. Bless his heart. :)
Love how your fence scallops nature (trees)...cottage comforts!
and i am so jealous! really.
looking fabulous
The picket fence looks wonderful! I love it. I'm sure you have all kinds of decorating ideas...
Love the fence. I like that it curves so gracefully. Good thing take time.
Your fence turned out wonderfully! Our projects always take three times as long as we think, and cost three times as much money!
It looks so pretty Mimi, and your helper is such a sweet little worker! You've got everyone's dream there, a white picket fence :-)
Hi Mimi, what a wonderful helper, a great Mister, and a beautiful fench. You will enjoy looking at it all winter.
big hugs
This is going to be such a beautiful area. It will be worth the wait! Look what a cute, cute helper you have there!
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