Mimi Sue's Cottage

A home is much more than a house built of lumber, brick, or stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. We are responsible for the homes we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrow. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven here on earth. Thomas S Monson

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Sayings

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."  Lou Holtz


Karen Mortensen said...

That's the truth. Good quote. Love your picture.

Art and Sand said...

So true.

I know many people who focus on the "woe is me" instead of looking at things in a positive way. My daughter turned a layoff from GAP into working at both google and facebook. She used those companies to get her where she is today. Had GAP not laid her off, she would probably still be working there.

June said...

I always love your Sunday Sayings Mimi! And I love your Valentine's vignette!

Kathleen Grace said...

Great quote. We just saw a little video in church where the message was "the only disability is a bad attitude". So true, take what you're given and make the best of it! On another subject, I just love the flowers and that pretty vine in a heart shape! so pretty:>)