I met
Janis through her blog about a year ago. We try to get together at least once a month to do something fun with her friend (and now my friend) Sue. Tonight we took a fun tour of one of my neighbor's homes. I'll post about the tour later, but I just wanted to show you what these adorable, crafty girls brought me.
First, Janis made this scary spider from a thistle pod, googlie eyes, and pipe cleaners. It sat on a package that was wrapped in cheese cloth.

See the mommy spider? She's peaking through the wrapping...

In the package there was this yummy zuchini crisp. It's gonna make Mimi a great breakfast tomorrow.

She has a Silhouette machine that she uses to cut images and letters out of vinyl Then she makes cute things with them. Vinyl witch on a thrift store plate. I know, it's adorable.

See how she fits in with my other witch plate? Love it.

Sue, who needs to have a blog of her own, brought me this cute package.

A lacey plate, which I adore and collect, and a cute tag she made...

This is a great idea. Scrapbook paper cut and wrapped around little candy bars. Wouldn't these be cute for just about any holiday? I'll definitely be making some of these.

An adorable leaf dish. I have leaf plates I use for Thanksgiving so this plate will be perfect and will fit right in.

So that's it. It's been so much fun getting to know these two ladies. I've been so blessed to be able to make new friends through blogging. Thank you again Janis and Sue. Blogging really makes the world a smaller, happier place. Don't you agree?
Can I say adorable or cute a few more times? Yikes, I can't help it!