All the trees, wreaths, and gingerbread houses are auctioned off. There's a sweet shop, a boutique, Santa's there of course, there's live entertainment, a scone and cinnamon roll booth, and the Kids Korner where you can get your face painted, craft, talk to an elf, play a few games and have a great time.

I'm on the Kids Korner committee and the Mister and I will be working at the auction on Tuesday night. It's such a wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit. It's held at the Expo Center in Sandy, Utah. For you local girls Email me if you want tickets, $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children $14.00 for six immediate family members and must be purchased at the door. (Wednesday only) Every single penny that's raised at this event goes to helping hospitalized children who don't have health insurance and can't afford medical care. So all you grandmas out there bring your grandkids, make some memories, have some fun and help some kids who could use a little help. See you there!