Mimi Sue's Cottage

A home is much more than a house built of lumber, brick, or stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. We are responsible for the homes we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrow. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven here on earth. Thomas S Monson

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Sayings

"I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life we 'accentuate the positive'. I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good...Look for the sunlight through the clouds." Gordon B Hinckley

1 comment:

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

Boy do I need this today! THANKS! ♥